
The cat's house

Harsh tales

Tale No.5
The cat's house




      Palavra para o autor...

      No seminñrio do Boris Natanovich Strugatski hñ mais de dois anos ù promovido o concurso para melhor conto de fic÷óo com o tema "12 de junho de 2018". Ou o Boris Natanovich escolha apenas os contos mais fracos para a leitura (para que os autores novos aprendam com os erros dos outros), ou existe alguma outra razóo, mas acontece que o concurso se transformou num concurso de terror. Quem poderñ assustar mais. Problemas nóo sóo discutidos, cada segundo conto nóo tem nada a ver nem com fic÷óo nem com o tema do concurso. Porque isso aconteceu? Crise do genero?
      O que mais me preocupou ù que os contos mais fracos e est·pidos ganham maiores notas pela lýngua utilizada. Nóo pelo conte·do, mas pela forma. Arte pela arte. Eu esperava que isso tinha acabado no come÷o do sùculo XX, mas nóo..
      Enfim, eu esperei bastante, mas nóo aguentei - escrevi "A Casa da Gata". Apenas para falar para mim mesmo que ù possývel escrever um conto de fic÷óo sobre este tema.

      ã isso...

A Casa da Gata
( On-line )

A Casa da Gata
(Download ZIP-file, size 22kb)

(c) Tradução por Eugeni Dodonov

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      Some words from the author...

      Over two years the seminar of Boris Natanovich Strugatsky drowsily runs on the SF story competition on the subject of "12 June 2018". Either Boris Natanovich expressly selects for resound the faintest stories (for the members of seminar to learn other's errors), or there are another reasons, but at all events the SF story competition has grown into the competition of nightmares. Who can scare best of all. Problems are all absent, and every other story has relation neither to SF, nor to the subject of the competition. Where has this tendency sprung from? Is this crisis of genre?
      I'm getting rattled even more by the fact that the weak, marrow-minded, messageless stories receive the full marks for the pencraft. Not for the content, but for the form. Art for art. I was trusting that this trend had died out in the beginning of 20th century, but no such thing... It's rising...
      In short, I was sitting down under that, couldn't outsit - and wrote Cat's House. Simply for assure myself that one can write a science fiction story on this subject.

      That's the things...

The cat's house
( On-line )

The cat's house
(Download ZIP-file, size 23kb)

Comics "The cat's house"
(Drawn by Alone Coder)

(c) Translated from Russian by Alone Coder

E-mail: alco(zx)
E-mail: alone_coder(zx)
Please e-mail me if you have found a mistake.

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